Make a Plan and Take Action!

A good instructor actively and consistently finds new ways to nurture students’ genuine interests.
Constantly probing for what piques a student’s interest allows both teacher and pupil to learn together. It is important to encourage students to pursue what particularly intrigues them.
The ability to answer the question, “Why am I learning this?” is essential because it fosters further curiosity. Some say that if you are unable to explain something in simple terms, you don’t know it well enough. Boiling things down to their fundamental elements and working up from there is one of the best approaches to learning just about anything.
Play slower and cleaner more often, even if you can play fast. The sooner you slow down, the sooner you will fix mistakes. Remember that mistakes are important to learn from. Practice makes you better, as there is no such thing as perfect.
Record your progress! A phone or tablet is useful, but nothing beats pencil to paper—and it doesn’t require a charger. Log the time you spend practicing and the tempo you are able to maintain with a clean and steady rhythm.
Noodle around, train your ears, experiment, and discover sounds that resonate with your personality. Work hard, have fun, and never be ashamed to share your progress!