Student Spotlight – Summer Music Camp at Berklee College of Music

SAMA Student, Rhylie W., recently sat down with SAMA admin Elizabeth Lopez for an interview about her experience attending a summer music camp at Berklee College of Music.
Elizabeth: Was the process of getting admitted difficult? What were the steps you had to take?
Rhylie: To get into the program, all you have to do is sign up. It’s not difficult at all. They have scholarships you can audition for. Once you have enrolled they will send you, in an e-mail, a quiz of how well your musicianship is.
Elizabeth: Did you feel confident in yourself – Aside from confidence, were there any other feelings that you were experiencing before or during your time in Boston?
Rhylie:I was really nervous. It was my first time being away from home for so long, and also there is a placement audition. The placement audition is where you go in for a short interview, play a piece, and then they’ll have you sight read some notes and improvise a bit. I was far from confident when I first got there. I was anxious and nervous, but after the first week I felt like there was nothing to be afraid of. No one is there to judge you if you’re better or not. We’re all there for a reason, and that reason is to make music. It’s something I love, and I grew to become more confident in myself, not only a musician, but as a person too.
Elizabeth: What were some of the classes you had to take?
Rhylie: Everyone is required to have a musicianship class, theory class, an ensemble, and a private teacher.
Elizabeth: Did you have a favorite class?
Rhylie: My favorite class would have to be my ensemble. Maybe I’m being biased because it was more like a privilege to have been with other talented musicians. My theory teacher was also really awesome. He was patient and helped everyone with understanding the material and explaining things that seemed complicated to something so simple.
Elizabeth: Did you have to perform at the end? If so, what did you showcase? What was the most memorable part of this entire experience?
Rhylie: The last week of the program everyone is required to perform with their respective ensemble groups. You can even audition to be in other ensembles and perform at the Berklee Performance Center. My group played four songs for our performance. I was surprised to see more people than I expected since we were a small group. The most memorable part while I was there was the fact that I met amazing and talented people who understood me. It felt like a place I belonged and not to mention the beautiful views of Boston.